PHP Posts
Top Common mistakes that PHP Development companies make

A lot can go wrong in the web development realm. For starters, you may find this list a bit exhaustive but at the same time it points out some of the most vital pitfalls made by PHP development companies around one should be wary of.
Things to Look Before Hiring PHP Developer

With millions of websites being developed on PHP, it isn’t going anywhere soon. However, there are people who believe that technology is no longer among us and it's time to call for the funeral. The truth is PHP has been condemned to death & managed to come back with a bang.
15 Best PHP Editors for Web Developers [Free and Paid]

The appropriate selection of editors and IDEs have become crucial for the developers as they spend a lot of time when it comes to choosing software. A good programming environment comes up with syntax checking, code correction, auto-completion and auto-addition at max to offer a complete package of code intelligence. Every year, many new code editors are launched, and so the developers of different programming language get a little confused on which one to go for?
Basic difference in Web Development with Core PHP and PHP Frameworks

Various web-based programming languages are used for Web Applications Development. And amongst them, PHP is the most popular one. PHP is called the general scripting language and is widely used in the operating system like Windows, Linux and UNIX and
Build a Perfect eLearning Solution with Moodle – The Fastest Growing LMS

With the advanced technological era where the things are moving fast and technology has spread its wings across several platforms, learning platform is not untouched. eLearning is a new concept which represents quicker delivery than traditional classroom. Lots of advantages
Explore Digital Experience with Drupal Content Management System

While creating a website, a common thought that pops up in everyone’s mind is which Content Management System (CMS) to use? Having numerous options available, the world’s favorite CMS is Drupal, which is being used globally across Government sectors,
Laravel – The PHP Framework for Web Developers

Laravel has been the big buzzword of the PHP community over the last couple of years. Let us try to explore this clean and classy web framework. Laravel Framework is a modern web application framework that designs customized web applications
PHP – a Platfrom that is adopted by numerous Open Source Solutions

PHP means Hypertext Preprocessor, an open source server-side scripting language that is used mainly for the development of web apps and services. PHP Web Development is pretty basic for a beginner, yet provides a lot of advanced features for a
- AngularJS (13)
- Drupal (1)
- eCommerce (13)
- General (7)
- Ionic (1)
- Joomla (1)
- Laravel (27)
- Magento (15)
- Mobile Application (14)
- Moodle (2)
- NodeJS (13)
- PHP (28)
- Python (1)
- React JS (24)
- React Native (6)
- Shopify (5)
- Tech Comparison (21)
- UI UX Design (2)
- Vue JS (3)
- WooCommerce (2)
- WordPress (7)
- Yii (3)
- Zend (1)