Best Reasons Why You Should Use ReactJS Development
The evolution of front-end ecosystems cannot be ignored at any rate. In fact, certain technologies have become the “best sellers” in the world of web app development, revolutionizing the workflow whereas the other ones have no way to go – In short, a dead end. ReactJS Development should be kept in the first category.
With the tons of choices available in the front-end development realm, choosing the ideal framework can be extremely tricky at times. Right from choosing the framework to deciding which library to embed, tech-stack to deploy, and the list seems to never-ending when it comes to starting an online venture. It cannot be possible to know as well as remember everything at once. This is where we recommend keeping a hawk-eye on the leading ReactJS development companies in India as well as the overseas to get started with web development. Before that, let us understand why there is so much fuss going on here.
With the cut-throat competition around, the necessity for astounding skill is obvious. And do you think hiring a prudent developer is easy at first? No way! It might take a while but eventually, you will find a reputable ReactJS developer who is going to get the desired result for your business requirements. Now I am sure you must be wondering why people including businesses as well as programmers are trending towards the tech in particular?
A Brief Intro
Developed and maintained by Facebook, the JavaScript library is known for its declarative, efficient and flexible nature that is mainly used to build simple, scalable, and fast front-ends for your upcoming web application development project. Initially created as an internal tool, the framework due to being open-source soon entered the mainstream. As a result, nothing could stop ReactJS development technology from being widely accepted among individual developers and web app development companies.
- Exceptional Agility
- Stability
- Engaging user interfaces
- Customization
- SEO-friendly framework
- Availability of lots and lots of developer tools
- Strong Community
- Performance and testing
- Always up-to-date
Whether we bet on its enhanced speed, productivity, accuracy, either way, ReactJS is not going anywhere. However, stating a few such reasons won’t be enough. Also, it may sound quite irrational and irrelevant and that’s the reason why we have curated some of the most intimidating reasons to look no further than ReactJS.
Why ReactJS is the Most-wanted Technology?
Writing HTML-like code into JavaScript is possible these days. Gone are the days when due to heavy lifting of JSX, programmers used to work in hassle for days and nights. With the help of the technology, it became easy to transform the JSX into React compatible code.
Have you felt baffled about combining HTML and JavaScript in the same file? Well, most ReactJS developers in India do but there isn’t much to worry about because it’s the most convenient thing to do. Most of the programmers are familiar with HTML syntax which eventually allows one to picture the overall structure of the component or page ( the current one) conveniently.
Easy to Use
One of the most interesting aspects of ReactJS is the JavaScript documentation which is way user friendly and easy to grasp. Even without appropriate guidance from experienced professionals, Developers can easily grasp the components right away in no-time. With the help of plain JavaScript and a component-based approach featuring a well-defined lifestyle, the tech assists well in building your website or mobile applications. You might wonder why React is preferred in comparison to the complex Ember and Angular framework? It’s nothing else but the technology being simple.
For that, you need to get into the nitty-gritty of JavaScript. In simple words, blog owners must be able to start using as soon as they are done with the reading part of the React documentation. Whereas other frameworks require ample time but when it comes to React development all you need is to be acquainted with other JavaScript engines and you are sorted.
The Mode – Concurrent
Facebook came up with Concurrent Mode which was built with user and development experience in mind. If simply put, here rendering is quite interruptible resulting in a huge improvement of the general user experience. On the contrary, all those functionalities which weren’t possible before can now be easily enabled by a ReactJS expert.
These features assist the technology while adjusting to the user’s device capabilities and the speed of the network. Other than technology, these small bunch of joys can have potential to make the life of a ReactJS developer way easier by making it possible for building apps that start fast and stay fast, no matter how big they grow.
The goal is the same since always, but this time, the future of React becomes incredibly interesting.
Virtual DOM
Every techie knows that a dashboard or data-visualization screen needs constant updates of components so that data can be tracked in real-time. For example, when you want to display non-stop updates of data-charts and notifications on the screen immediately without any quality loss.
What to do? Simple use React’s Virtual DOM that enables a ReactJS Developer to implement all the fast re-rendering of components by doing some smart workarounds. Now doing this is quite necessary because of the immediate display of the data and what works wonders here is the way how the tech automatically figures out an optimal way to update the UI. So, how is this possible? The stream of data is supplied through high-end APIs. The most interesting aspect here is it helps in building projects that require heavy data lifting, i.e. complex dashboards.
Build Rich UIs
Most of the time frequent updates turn into unnecessary headaches because of the complex logic of the existing app. It’s more like a single modification can result in spreading and dramatically affect other components. To combat this issue, you don’t need to go any far as Facebook has already amplified ReactJS development technology with the component usability feature. Due to which redeploying digital objects becomes easy.
Move them to wrapper components by adding buttons, text fields, and checkboxes and all this will be ultimately moved forward to the root component.
With each component in React having its own internal logic, this approach, in particular, offers better code maintenance and growth. After all, it becomes quite easy to manipulate and as a result, boosts the productivity of application development. In React, developers can also build powerful design patterns with Redux and Flux.
Secured Future
The compatibility of the framework is quite commendable. After all, ReactJS development service providers in India as well as across the globe no longer require to change the existing in case of an update on the corner. Irrespective of the update, all public APIs of framework tend to remain the same.
Apart from this, aspects like component reusability and single codebases for different platforms makes the framework relevant to the near future and make it future-proof. After all, most of the errors and bugs can be fixed in real-time.

Easy Migration
This is why many ReactJS development companies are in demand. As the technology shifts, so do the businesses as they have no other way out. The only dilemma here was to make the change (to migrate). Whenever businesses require to migrate from old technologies to a new one, they are required to come across a plethora of challenges. And you know what’s the worst part? In some cases, a developer needs to make sure that the code re-written entirely or things might get hampered.
Things change entirely when it comes to React to development. In these particular cases, it acts as a blessing! Here’s how! React code can be handily included anyplace onto the existing framework, without stressing over the performance being hampered.
At this point, if you are willing to migrate or transform from your old website or app to a new one, you can hire a ReactJS developer from our company eTatvaSoft as we do carry an immense amount of expertise of doing so.
Strong Community
Here’s a small reality check for you! Even though ReactJS was created for internal use, it does comprise a strong community. Yes, the React library which does not have access to India but worldwide.
In case, if a ReactJS developer gets stuck in some kind of a problem the tech community can not only assist in solving such issues but also make the transitions of new processes with ease and solve difficult problems within a blink of an eye.
Faster Development
This is why most of ReactJS development companies love the tech in particular. It helps in increasing productivity – all you have to do is make the most of its reusable components and ReactJS development tools. Increase in productivity is very important to get money in less time.
There is no point if it takes days and nights just to come up with a simple thing. With the help of numerous ReactJS developers tools, we can make your coding work a lot easier.
Productivity and Maintenance
There are lots and lots of system components in React development technology that can be reused. Slowly and steadily it becomes easy to manipulate and define objects which are already being used. This not only facilitates code maintenance at regular intervals but also ensures there is some kind of consistency in the application.
In addition, all the coding standards are set to maintain uniformity resulting in an enhanced speed of the application. With ReactJS development technology, you are about to witness more customer retention.
The following post has been a sure-short guide stating why one should seek for a reliable ReactJS development company in the real world. Now you must be wondering what projects can benefit from the tech? Enterprise web apps or large scale projects, web applications which require dynamic page updating, complex UI’s, Progressive Web Apps and so more.
Facebook, Airbnb, Uber, Netflix, Instagram, Whatsapp, Dropbox, etc are some of the most popular web apps built using ReactJS development technology.
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