Laravel and SaaS: A Sure-Shot Way to Succeed in Web Development Space

Are you planning to develop SaaS Products?

It won’t be simple from the start yet we guarantee you that it will be worth the danger. Now there has been a great misconception going on regarding not using Laravel for building large scale multi user SAAS apps, but we say why not? It’s a match made in heaven!

1. Laravel Development is Everywhere, Why?

According to reliable sources, around 612,930 live websites have been created using Laravel to date. Well, we aren’t here to evangelize about laravel development technology or anything but it’s the numbers we are emphasizing on. 

Laravel Usage
Source: BuiltWith

Irrespective of the domain whether it is computers, electronics or technology itself, the framework rules like none other – all thanks to its advanced Laravel features and development tools facilitating rapid development. Also one shouldn’t ignore popular websites created using the technology such as Deltanet Travel, Neighborhood Lender, MyRank, Laravel Tricks, World Walking, Laravel Snippets, Rocket rubbers, Laravel IO, Larasocial and the list goes on!

In the world of web development, there is no cookie-cutter solution for all problems and issues. Even we being a Laravel development company in India recommend not to rely on one technology particular, instead, focus on what’s right for every part of the application.  

Being an MVC framework, Laravel provides a scalable structure to write elegant code. Here programmers no longer need to be in hassle for creating everything right from the scratch – all thanks to the pre-built functions and components of this mature framework.

All they require to focus on is navigation, routing, authentication, security, password hastings, sessions, and caching and everything aspect is created in such a way that it is understood easily by all. Having the capability to reduce the pain of reinventing the wheel, the open-source, easily accessible and ideal framework cannot be ignored at any rate. Some of its more interesting benefits one must consider include:

  • Offers unmatched Support due to MVC framework architecture
  • Outstanding layouts can be created by using a template engine
  • Web Artisans CLI
  • Eloquent object-relational mapper that saves from writing complex code in SQL 
  • Ability to run multiple tests at the same time so that everything falls into place 

2. About Software as a Service

With the ever-changing scenarios, it can be quite a tough call for businesses to maintain systems and infrastructure simultaneously. Mainly defined as an integrated web-based software distribution model where users comfortably use the software and interact with it effortlessly. It creates a win-win situation for both businesses and developers, let us find out how?

1. How is it beneficial for SaaS product Development Teams?

When thinking about SaaS for SaaS product developers, it streamlines the concept of developing saas products and deployment for them – all thanks to the distribution of the software distribution model. Keeping all the standard product deployment processes in mind, every step is taken from start to completion.

On the off chance, If the Saas product requires revaluation or reconsideration due to some update or addition of a new feature improvements, the deployment of software products takes place for the revised component and nothing else. As soon as a user re-logins to the software product, they will be acquainted with the new and updated version.

2. How is Software as a Service beneficial for businesses?

Success is all about gaining good traction of flexibility and businessmen should be as flexible as possible. By incorporating a SaaS application, it is inevitable to experience a less risky environment, especially when trying some new acquisition or project.

Basic yet crucial aspects like time, effort stack up are taken care of in the most effective manner. Businesses no longer require to spend heavily for upgrades as SaaS entirely takes care of it. On and all, it’s high time businesses must consider Software as a Service as a necessary improvement. 

3. Laravel and SaaS Products

Unfortunately, making the most of SaaS applications is not an easy thing to do. Now in any SaaS product operations, you will find a bunch of modules such as admin dashboards, subscriptions, payments and by using technology like Laravel development, one can easily build such modules.

Creating Laravel and SaaS products means you are set to come up with a product featuring free trials, full users, and deal based offers.

1. The need for using Laravel for SaaS

Most Laravel developers do know the importance of back-end. This implies it not goes about as a base to front-end but on the other hand is answerable for controlling the server, database and dataflow. Let us find out how combining laravel with SaaS products turns out to be a cut above move than other prospects.

  1. Customization is possible here – In comparison to others, Laravel development is considered as the most prominent option when thinking of flexibility and scalability. Without worrying about changing the code or even maintaining one, an experienced Laravel developer can easily customize the features in a snap of a finger. 

    Provided the fact that it comes with an MVC model, the framework does comprise separate models, controllers and views. Again saas product development teams can work on an individual basis without worrying about disturbing or ruining anything especially in the context of design and components present in the saas application.
  2. Security cannot be ignored at any rate – One of the most important features to consider is Laravel comes with an extraordinary security facility. Whether it’s about password hashing, secured routing, HTTP authentication, and AES encryption, the technology takes care of everything. 
  3. Modular App Structure – By using the MVC framework, one can easily plan to host a contest on your existing eCommerce store. After plugging the module into the eCommerce app, it becomes a cakewalk. Once it is done, the laravel developer can either disable or unplug the blade from the main application. 

4. Examples of SaaS Built on Laravel

1. Laravel Spark

Do you require a laravel package offering to scaffold for things you do not wish to code? Laravel Spark is one such package which incorporates subscription billing. With the new update, it offers 

  • An enhanced UI built on Bootstrap 4
  • Localization
  • Per-Seat Pricing

Some of its intimidating features to consider include authentication, registration and password reset, subscription billings can be done without hassle, users can easily create, join and invite other users without even writing a single line of code. The monthly invoice is automatically emailed to your customers. What else does one require? Ahh! Without much hassle to keep in touch with your customers? Well, here you are. Spark provides a facility where customers themselves can generate API tokens every now and then.

2. Laravel Simplifies SaaS Revenue Processing

When building a SaaS product, Laravel beats everything else and turns out to be an ideal framework. And why not, adding components for collection and processing has become so easy and hassle free. However, we have seen ample of people spending hours and days in creating a payment collection module of their own, but then, why waste time on something which is already present out there.

Being simple to set up,  Saas revenue processing is extremely powerful. A perfect example of a combination of normal user management and digital invoicing.

3. Cloudways

Another best example is cloudways that has set high standards of performance, simplicity and agility. Fortunately, backed by an innovative approach, the platform turns out to be the best-of-breed technologies and industry-leading infrastructure offering nothing but smooth hosting experiences.

Say no to all the hosting hassles! Choose Cloudways.  

4. Technologies to Build SaaS with Laravel

The web stack, the front-end and the back-end – the three pillars or architectures of any SaaS product which shouldn’t be ignored at any cost. There are tons and tons of front-end and back-end frameworks, but while developing SaaS products one shouldn’t look any further than laravel.

There is always a possibility of issues such as face optimization and performance when creating scalable applications. More or less the application architecture can easily break down or users can experience a serious lag in application performance which is not a piece of good news. So one must consider creating a SaaS application with Laravel development.  

5. Managed Hosting to the Rescue

In this context, managed hosting is a blessing in disguise for SaaS product operations experts. In order to sustain optimal performance, the managed hosting provider adds a custom layer on top of the provisioned cloud server. Also, it comprises server provisioning, server management, stack upgrades, team management, infrastructure management and takes care of the bulk of server management tasks.

Gone are the days when they had to consider server management tasks, now  saas productLaravel can Support All SaaS Revenue Models developers only need to focus on their application layer and component integration.

6. Laravel can Support All SaaS Revenue Models

Each one of the saas revenue models such as flat pricing model, recurring revenue models, subscription based revenue model or pricing based  models, one has different abilities but altogether have one thing in common they do bring regular revenue to the business. As a result, the company won’t just sustain but can look forward to regular feedback on their existing software products. 

7. Single Window view for Laravel SaaS

Another major example of why Laravel and SaaS is such a great mix is dashboards. They lie at the heart of SaaS product design. All the information is displayed via a dashboard among the users. Unfortunately, they do not consider going through all the settings and options required while using a SaaS product. 

8. Hosting Solution For Laravel Powered SaaS Products

At first, things like selling the product might turn out pretty easy but its the performance analyzed in the long run that ensures revenues and an increasing market share.

5. Conclusion

So, that’s all for now! We hope you enjoyed reading the post. Are you planning to create your first SaaS-laravel based product? Look no further than eTatvaSoft, a leading Laravel development company in India. We assure here every need of yours will be taken care of. Contact Us now.

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    1. Alexis Robin

      Wonderful Post! The details that you mentioned here about Laravel and Software as a Service would be very much helpful for a beginner like me to gain some knowledge about Laravel SAAS. Thank you for providing this amazing resource.