Why and How to Hire NodeJS Developers

Choosing the right web application development technology is not an easy job, at least for non-techies. With more and more programming languages emerging in the market, developing highly interactive, scalable, and robust websites and web apps has become a norm. Much like other technologies, NodeJS is taking over the programming world at a fanatic pace.

A Brief Introduction – NodeJS Development

One of the leading open-source and cross-platform runtime environments that run on Google’s V8 engine mainly used to execute JavaScript code outside of a browser. Initially released in 2009, the tech has been used for non-blocking, event-driven servers (because of its single-threaded nature), developing highly scalable, data-intensive, and real-time backend API services. And today, it is considered as one of the most prominent tools for backend development. With an ability to run on a variety of operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, plus, and Unix – NodeJS Development services are quite high on demand these days.

First off, having real-time 2-way communication is pure bliss especially after decades of web request/response paradigm. The applause is merited as Node decisively eased the work of anyone building web applications. Onboard so far? Great, now let us understand why NodeJS is mainly used for full-stack, front-end, and back-end. 

Its main features include

  • Speed – By incorporating V8 engines by Google which compiles JavaScript into native machine code, NodeJS offers a great amount of speed. As a result, enterprises can handle parallel connections with high throughput; all this leading to building fast, flexible network applications.

Paypal has deployed an application with NodeJS which sees 35% less response time and with double the number of requests.

  • Reduces Development Work – With a wide scope of creative structures and libraries accessible for the tech makes chipping away at a task much simpler. There’s consistently an opportunity of Web Development Company making a pool of such assets for numerous uses. This assists with lessening the web development time by composing reusable utility classes as opposed to starting it from scratch without any preparation each time for another task. Instead, NodeJS Development Company can capitalize on this to have NodeJS developers write business-specific logic.
  • Real-Time Web Applications – The technology comprises a bunch of incredible features when it comes to developing real-time applications such as chats and gaming apps.

    Being a NodeJS developer, it is obvious to write JavaScripts for server and client. This leads to making things easy to send data especially between server and client for synchronization. You must be well-acquainted with the meteor app built on top of NodeJS executing the same codebase on both client and the server. 
  • Increase in productivity –  Many of you have this misconception of sighting productivity as a one-dimensional feature. Productivity is also multidimensional. Everyone believes that a developer is more productive in Java because of compile-time errors.

    Enterprises can easily add the frontend and backend teams into a single unit so application delivers in less time with high-end productivity. 
  • Deploying apps becomes easy – This pointer is a complete no-brainer! It is quite obvious that you need a NodeJS app to succeed. And it will all because of its dynamic ecosystem and dedicated setup, project completion is expected.
  • Data Streaming – One of the interesting aspects of NodeJS is that it is very good at handling I/O, so why not make the most of it and build something more interesting. Like it can be easily integrated with Video call and Voice chat functionality.

    You can transcode an audio and video file while they are uploading. NodeJS also can read and write streams to WebSockets so it can read and write streams to HTTP.
  • SEO friendly – Today, business needs a web application that is SEO friendly. An SEO-friendly web application pulls in more clients and offers a lot of perceivability on online platforms. The basic and simple to utilize configuration makes NodeJS Development Services SEO-friendly. The one significant thing that your web application development won’t ever need to miss out on, is the SEO based application. Its creative structure gives the site greater perceivability as search engines can upgrade ventures which are rendering in the backend. Get a quality user experience and improvise the SEO possibilities with its perfectly clear performance.

Why Hire a NodeJS Development Company? 

By now, you have known that NodeJS is a server technology quite similar to ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, or Spring frameworks. All of these technologies are used to develop and run web applications. In addition to this, it is quite lightweight featuring in-built support for object DB easy to host and resues. These features compel customers to hire a reliable NodeJS Development Company.

We at eTatvasoft offer a comprehensive range of NodeJS Development Services as per the necessities of small and large-sized business modules. Right from NodeJS API development to Real-time app development, front-end, and Back-end development, migration to NodeJS, package development; we offer it all! Other than that, by leveraging our in-depth talent set and technology experience, we make a high-end strategy for providing effective solutions.

Still, why is there a need to hire a NodeJS developer?

Project Planning

As soon as you hand over your development requirements to the programmer, the person will do his job in the best possible manner for you. Being well-versed with the NodeJS development technology and its complexities, he will be able to customize the project. Besides, features can be added or customized, deleted according to change in the interest of the end-users anytime later on. In the end, you will receive high performance, ascendible, and real-time applications.   

Front-end & Back-end

A skilled NodeJS developer will have the ability to use JavaScript for both frontend and backend development. Moreover, learning NodeJS is way easier and use it with your favorite scripting language. In case, if you choose JSON storage Object DB like CouchDB, MongoDB, JavaScript can be easily used at the database level. If your requirement is for full-stack along with dedicated NodeJS developers, feel free to get in touch with Etatvasoft. 

MEAN Stack & Web Technologies

Hiring NodeJS development company will give you extra benefits like they are able to work on different development stacks like MEAN and other technologies as well. Javascript Development companies have different kinds of working experience with technology stacks and they will bring the best on the table. Like with native mobile application development, they can easily blend the experience of NodeJS and PHP stacks to improve the flexibility.

Know more about MEAN Stack Development

Periodic Updates

Almost all NodeJS development companies tend to gather all the updates and reports regarding the project development on a daily basis and we are no exception. Right from regular skype calls, screen sharing, video conferencing to appropriate documentation, emails, there are many ways of receiving the updates.

How to Hire a NodeJS developer?

And that’s it! It’s time to hire one but the big question is how? Further below we would like to mention certain points that can assist you in choosing the right professional at your service.

One of the basic yet effective ways to hire a Node.JS developer is either to hire an in-house team of professionals or outsource Node.JS development services. Let us understand these concepts in detail.

In-house NodeJS service providers

Successfully being run by a corporate entity, here you will find a full-time in-house team of professionals who are probably from the same country as you are. Apart from this, they have enough resources and infrastructure to support the projects they conduct. With this approach, you need to invest time and a hefty amount of money just to come up with a solid base for developing great software.

Outsource NodeJS Development Services 

Despite having a wide range of power-packed features, NodeJS is a complex tool that requires expertise and skills. Of course, there is always an option available for choosing an in-house development team, but outsourcing NodeJS development services can take your project to the next level. Here’s how! Outsourcing can help you cut down the overall development cost to a great extent. In comparison to managing an in-house team, it turns out to be a way affordable procedure as you have to pay as per the fixed development rates.

Other than price, every development team operating in a different country remains to stay updated with the latest development tools and technologies. This means easy access to global skills, faster time to market, and above all, focus on core business is a doable job.

Hire our NodeJS Developers Now

Whichever option you choose just make sure to keep below-mentioned pointers in mind for better outcomes.

First, he ought to be capable of planning, constructing, and designing applications to meet business necessities.

Secondly, a NodeJS consultant should be able to analyze the business data for application development and deployment. Ensure he can work with business line staff to see needs and affirm the proposed solutions. 

Third, any app designed or developed must be tested on multiple platforms Android, iOS by the professional.

Fourth, try choosing a jack of all instead of being a master of one. You should be hiring a programmer with excellent skills in JavaScript, db experience.

Fifth, however not the least, he ought to have great communication abilities, imaginative critical thinking capacity, problem-solving, appropriate time management skills, and the most significant of all – he should be a cooperative person.


Everything now seems to be crystal clear by now! So what are you waiting for? It’s time to outgrow your business and take your business to the next level.  

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    1. Krissa Beth

      The comprehensive and friendly blog explained very clearly to get us to understand each point for hiring node js developer. Thanks for Sharing.

    2. Samules

      For hiring Node Js developers Such valid consideration points covered throughout the piece. Thanks!