A Complete Guide to Hire PHP Developers In India

In the following post, we will be talking about why nothing can stop programmers from jumping into the PHP development bandwagon. Plus, we would also cover how to hire PHP developers in India (one of the frequently asked questions). 

We are sure many of you might have come across programming languages that aid developers to create quick solutions that are better in regards to quality and error-free. But still, somehow PHP manages to be considered the top programming language to consider for developing dynamic websites. Further, let us understand why PHP has still managed to stay in the top spots even with so many competitors around.

1. PHP Advantages

We have been using PHP for years and this goes without saying that with PHP anything is possible. No matter how many other programming languages come and go, the legend stays for the long haul. Even it may interest you to know that this one is taught in computer science and software engineering colleges to date. 

Created in 1994, PHP was pretty much in demand and even today millions of websites are being developed using the platform and still counting. Also, PHP is famous because of certain popular names such as Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Flickr, etc. 

Still to convince you I would like to mention why PHP is so popular across the globe. 

1. Simplicity

PHP development programming is more like composing such an article but only for computing devices. Of course, any normal language can be used in an article whereas when you code for computers, the language which offers high-end compatibility for such systems are known as bits and bytes.. Writing a PHP script is pretty easy and simple. 

2. Flexible and Scalable

Another crucial factor that makes PHP development a cut above is that it offers ample flexibility and scalability. Take Facebook as an example, the tech giant has also succeeded in creating a PHP derivative language, named “Hack”. Now what exactly a hack does is it fulfills the content management needs. So now you know how robust, flexible and even scalable for that matter PHP is. One of PHP’s biggest advantages is you no longer require a server reboot, especially to update the website’s code. 

3. Large and Active Communities at Your Support

This one is an extremely important factor, PHP comprises an ocean of resources and tutorials. Being open-source in nature, more and more developers are found jumping in the field. Plus, the community is managed by experienced PHP programmers who know exactly what it takes to solve PHP-related issues. 

You name it and you will find it! Trust me! The programming language has turned out to be powerful among all things, especially in the web development area. So by now, you must be convinced about using PHP for your upcoming project. But here comes the big question: which company to pick? Can we choose any random one or ask among your peer groups and choose the most chosen one.

2. Factors to Consider Before Hiring PHP Developers in India

Factors to Consider Before Hiring PHP Developers in India

With the severe verge of online marketing, several businesses are compelled to offer their services online in different manners. In a world full of information and resources, how do find a reliable deal? As a result, a website becomes one of the prime concerns and for that, you definitely require to hire dedicated PHP developers

It doesn’t matter whether you are creating a simple or a complex enterprise-grade website or an eCommerce solution or web application or any content management site, just ensure to choose the right team of PHP developers in India who cannot just save your precious time and energy but also reduce the cost to hire PHP developers.

Fortunately, PHP is being taught in a lot of IT and web development classes in computer science degrees. So here you do have scope of hiring a fresher or a student in case, if you have a low-budget. In addition, you will find countless PHP communities and forums where individuals/freelancers pitch their work and it’s you who gets to make the right choice. PHP developers are many irrespective of their knowledge, skills and experience levels, this means you have plenty of options around – which is a good thing as well as a bad thing!

1. Never Go with Google

Today searching for anyone is a cakewalk, all thanks to Google. Unfortunately, while looking for suitable PHP developers in India most of you often end up hitting on the first result as it seems to be best. Well, most of the time it is but not every time.  Google’s algorithm is something that one could never understand, so always trusting those results won’t be good. So, it’s crucial not to go with the flow and do your research on every potential developer before hiring one. Besides Google, it is also advisable for you to use other trusted resources, including social media, developer communities, etc. to find good PHP developers around you.

2. Hire Experience Developers

Technical skills and knowledge is mandatory but if you choose a PHP web development company that is more experienced and capable enough to meet your PHP development needs, then it will be like the cherry on the cake! So make sure to check out the total work experience, have they done any similar kind of project before?

Higher Experience + Diverse Skill Set =  More Reliability +  Higher Satisfaction

3. Multi-Channel Proficiency

Now before you even consider hiring a dedicated PHP development company or a team of PHP developers just see whether they are able to handle other projects such as SEO, PPC, Social media. I mean if you are planning to create a website then I am pretty sure SEO, PPC, and social media platforms would be your next move. So try to make everything in sync.  

4. Do Not Ignore Communicating

Irrespective of the industry or tech partner, communication is extremely important especially when you are planning to outsource or Hire a team of PHP developers in India. As your PHP development company keep you in a loop so that you are on the same page. Check, do they even care to engage with you or establish any kind of rapport with you? If not, it’s time to switch.  Clear communication is very important. This is the only way to safeguard oneself from all unnecessary headaches or bottlenecks. 

5. Discuss Everything in Advance

There are times when a PHP developer might not be able to reach the expectations of your project so just make sure to discuss every single thing going on in your mind regarding the PHP development project. It is always advisable to meet the developer personally in advance and discuss the requirement in detail. This will also help you in knowing about the ability of the potential candidate. 

3. Where to Find Reliable PHP Developers?

Of course, Google would be the most prompt answer but can It be the most prominent one? I sincerely doubt it. After you have figured out what type of PHP developer would you like to have at your service, it’s time to look for a reputable PHP developer in the following places: 

  • Freelance Marketplace –  Hubstaff talent, upwork, and other marketplaces 
  • LaraJobs – This is the place to go if you are looking for a Laravel developer. It’s a pricey option at $300-$350 to post a job.
  • CodeIgniter forum – One place to look for CodeIgniter developers is on the projects forums jobs section. 
  • CakePHP on LinkedIn – The official CakePHP LinkedIn is a perfect place to consider.  
  • Facebook Groups and other Communities Gathering places – Consider Facebook, Slack, Discord channels, or IRC. 
  • Agencies – Today, all development outsourcing agencies in India or Europe feature a bunch of  skilled and experienced programmers who offer unrendered services at pretty much affordable rates.

4. Conclusion

So this is it! I hope now you know what to do, where to seek help from especially when you are working on PHP. In case, if you still have any query or concern, feel free to mention that in the comment section below.

Hardik Dhanani

Hardik Dhanani has a strong technical proficiency and domain expertise which comes by managing multiple development projects of clients from different demographics. Hardik helps clients gain added-advantage over compliance and technological trends. He is one of the core members of the technical analysis team.


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    1. Steven Walkins

      I would like to share my personal experience regarding outsourcing your PHP development project to India. First and foremost they are so humble and workaholic, secondly outsourcing your project to India is very inexpensive. You can hire dedicated team of PHP developers from India at very reasonable cost.

    2. Priya Patel

      Most ideal choice depends upon our requirements, but making the wrong selection while hiring PHP developers can be both costly and time consuming . This guide eventually helps everyone who are planning to hire PHP developers from India. Thanks for sharing!