How Much Does It Cost To Hire a React.js Developer In India?

ReactJS has completely changed the front-end JavaScript ecosystem by being one of the most scalable, fast, and component-based libraries. Every business that wants to go digital prefers this technology for its web app. And this popularity has increased the demand for ReactJS developers. So, ReactJS developers all over the world have increased their prices. Which makes businesses hire developers from developing countries as they still charge less than others. And this is when the demand for ReactJS developers in India increases. To know React js developers’ costs and why one must consider developers from India, let’s go through this blog.

1. Factors to Consider While Hiring ReactJS Developers

Factors to Consider While Hiring ReactJS Developers

App development is pretty much on the verge these days across the globe. More or less, an app whether it’s a web app or a mobile app, or react js enterprise app has become a business’s virtual identity. Since React js is becoming so popular day in and day out, it is inevitable for someone to not take it into consideration.

However, choosing an ideal React.js development company or a team of React.js developers is not easy especially when you have no clue how beneficial or troublesome they will prove to be. Now before you hire react js developers, it is important to know their lifestyles, and what they do in their day-to-day life.

First and foremost, their crucial role is to build intuitive UIs. Apart from these UIs, they are also responsible for building components of an application. Now React is one such component library that ensures high-speed development like no other tech. React js developers are also responsible for utilizing reusable components. Yes, gone are the days when codes were created every now and then. Today, one code can be used for developing the same features among different applications. 

In all, hiring a react developer is all about choosing a programmer who can create a complete, robust, scalable application free of flaws and errors. Once the application is built these guys can be considered for further support and maintenance. Further below we would like to mention certain things to keep in mind while hiring react js developers in India.

1. Carry Proficiency in JavaScript

Since React.js itself is a JavaScript library, it is advisable to consider developers featuring excellence in regards to the JavaScript technology, its features, syntax, as well as its operations. Technically speaking, he or she must be able to understand terms like JS scopes,  DOM manipulation, event bubbling, hoisting, prototypal inheritance, and other js functions.

Hiring someone with basic knowledge is not enough to carry out the whole project. Check whether he or she has built interfaces in the past or not. If yes, it surely means they do possess an in-depth understanding.

2. React.js and Its Core Principles

A React js developer must be knowledgeable, this one is pretty obvious, right? Now the concern is knowledge in what? JSX and Virtual DOM.  Apart from these core principles, a React developer must know about REST APIs. 

3. React Styling Ways

Apart from the aforementioned ones, a js developer must be capable of using CSS techniques, especially the ones which can be used to style React components such as:

  • CSS preprocessors
  • CSS Frameworks
  • CSS-in-JS: 
  • JSS: 

Of course, only technical skills aren’t enough! One must comprise certain soft skills as well!

4. Take Criticism Positively

Constructive criticism is something any web developer must excel at. This is one of the most essential traits any programmer irrespective of the technology must-have. Taking criticism positively is a great team-building aspect. So when you hire React js developers just make sure to ask them about their past experiences, how do they take criticism or feedback. 

5. Problem-Solving Skills

Software development or web development can be said to be effective only when all the pain points are addressed correctly. So look for Reactjs developers who are great at problem-solving.

Companies using React js at present include – Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, Shopify, Amazon, Twitter, Uber, and the list goes on!

2. Determining the React JS Developers’ Cost

Of course, the cost of hiring a react developer cannot remain the same. It does differ in regards to the requirements, the location, etc. So when you are willing to hire js developers consider these common below-mentioned factors that will assist you in estimating the total cost as well as the buffer cost. 

  • Development hours – How many hours it will take for development to accomplish? 
  • Project scope – The overall scope of the project
  • Developer experience – How well-experienced is the developer? 
  • Developer skillset – What are his core skill-sets? 
  • Recruitment model – Have you decided on the hiring model yet? 
  • Outsourcing country – Which outsourcing destination are you choosing? Rates differ a lot in regard to location.
  • Related complications – Unexpectations can be expected here

1. React Developers Hourly Rate

By now,  you must know the importance of hiring react js developers. Let’s get started with the hourly rate in India which is 7.51 USD / hour. Of course, there are a plethora of factors on which the cost of hiring changes but the recruitment model is the basic yet crucial one. 

2. Freelance React Developer’s Costs

Apart from the regular ones, you can also find several freelance developers around. Check out Upwork and Toptal.

  • Upwork Freelance React Developer cost – 40-180 USD / hour
  • Toptal Freelance React Developer cost – 35-65 USD / hour

3. React Developer Salary

  • For a remote react js developer – it’s $74k-$83k. (according to a glassdoor)
  • For a senior developer salary – the annual pay is $125,000 – $149,000.

4. Other Crucial Factors to Consider Include:

  • Duration And Scope Of Your Project – These are other factors responsible for fluctuation in regards to the cost. If the time taken is too long or the project is complex, the cost will rise. 
  • Which hiring model would you like to choose – Whether you choose an hourly basis, part-time, or full-time based model, the cost will fluctuate accordingly.
  • Is the Developer skilled and experienced? – Of course, the more experienced means more money. So if you have the option to choose a professional with mid-level experience, you can save a few bucks there. Beyond experience level, React.js developers need these skills and for you, it also matters. Because much like experience, even skill-set affects the cost directly as well as indirectly. 

3. Conclusion

And this is it! We hope now you know exactly how to determine the React js developers’ cost. In case you still have doubts or queries, feel free to mention that in the comment section below!

Hardik Dhanani

Hardik Dhanani has a strong technical proficiency and domain expertise which comes by managing multiple development projects of clients from different demographics. Hardik helps clients gain added-advantage over compliance and technological trends. He is one of the core members of the technical analysis team.

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    1. David Costa

      Great and very informative blog!! As you correctly said that the more experienced means more money. as a small business owner, I always believe that hiring mid-level developers will be an advantage in reduced cost. Thanks for sharing!

    2. Nicola Watkins

      I would like to share my personal experience regarding outsourcing my React js web app development project to India. Firstly, web developers from India are so humble and workaholics, secondly Cost to hire react js developers from India is much lower than in any other country.