Backbone.JS benefits

Backbone.JS is a JavaScript framework. It is really cross-platform and used not only on mobile devices but on other platforms as well.

Backbone.JS is a framework of JavaScript that nicely plays with jQuery as well as Ruby on Rails. Using the framework adds structure to the JS apps. People use it for separating business logic from the view logic. Write mobile HTML5 apps with Backbone.JS and it’s easy to port the code later to a desktop web application. The framework is really cross-platform and not meant to be used only on mobile devices like most other frameworks are.


There are differences between libraries and frameworks. The library is when one calls some code and framework is when the code is called from somewhere. Clearly, Backbone.JS is a library and is actually very minimalistic. At the core, it only has four components, namely, Model, Collection, View, and Router. The minimalism is the power and weak side of the framework. The powers are that one could create whatever things they like. Backbone first the experience very smooth. At the same time, one could get confused as to the time one started, since one simply does not understand how to make everything properly work together.


  1. Address some issues in software architecture. When it comes to writing web apps, there are objects in the server-side code that often are not represented as objects in a client-side code. For simple applications, this could be okay, but when it becomes complicated, it could be a huge help for mirroring the objects on both sides. Moreover, it also leads to a terminology issue, a Person object on a server that could not be talked about as a Person on the client side since it does not feel or look the same way. Managing this complexity could be very difficult. AngularJS has no resource that one uses to build services that hook up to REST APIs and go back to that object in JSON and could be attached methods to the object to it could be fully functional.
  2. AngularJS encourages dealing with models on the client side. This is done in the same way as having them on the server side, which is a huge plus. In AngularJS, the model is the source of truth, thus one could create everything from that.
  3. Enables making software faster and with minimal effort. AngularJS, which have the ng-model and class directives cover a lot of the common operations that many have been doing in jQuery. Saving to a server and two-way data binding takes a small amount of lines in AngularJS, but in jQuery would need building one’s own object and various click and event handlers. Shifting from watching events and elements to watching a model is a huge shift in the right direction.
  4. The result in software that’s more maintainable. The framework encourages using the model as a source of truth, which begins to make one also think of object-oriented design on the client-side. This enables one to remember the same object-oriented design principles, which in general would make software more maintainable than procedural.
  5. Boost software testability. AngularJS has at its core dependency injection, making it easy to test. Even Angular’s documentation has tested as part of each tutorial step, which almost makes it difficult not to test.
  6. Encourage good practices in programming. Dependency injection, model as truth source, ability to make directives that could decorate elements, which leads to shareable and reusable components, REST API connection to a server, plenty of benefits from just following the basic use of AngularJS.
  7. Enable collaborating with other people more easily. Using model as a source of truth is something that’s familiar with anyone doing object-oriented MVC server-side software, thus, this should make it easy for picking up for most developers. Moreover, creating directives in AngularJS and dependency injection makes it easy to build components that could be easily shared between developers and has truly excited the developer community.


  1. Syncing with the back-end. The Backbone.JS models could be tied easily to a back-end. Out-of-the-box, it offers excellent support for RESTful APIs in the models could map to a RESTful endpoint. If the API is correctly designed, backbone already is configured for accessing these directly for read, write and delete operations.
  2. Event-driven communication. It is easy to make small and slick web apps with jQuery. But, when a project grows, the jQuery callbacks and declarations become more complex and distributed all over the place and code becomes difficult to read and cluttered. Backbone.JS alleviates this through an event-driven communication between models and views. One could attach event listeners to any model attribute, which provides much-nuanced control over what is changed in the view. Backbone events build on top of the regular DOM events, making the mechanism very extensible and versatile.
  3. Maintainability through following conventions. Conventions are great for introducing a common coding style with no need to come up with comprehensive coding standards set. The more a developer sticks to some backbone conventions, the less one has to code and thus, the more readable and standardized the code becomes.

Definitely, Backbone.JS provides benefits not just for developers but for various business organizations as well.

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